Latest Music



 Available on ALL streaming services, add it to your playlist today!  :) 


The new CD, Walter St. Clair   Earth Rhythm Band, is now available at CDBaby, Spotify, YouTube and all associated indie/streaming outlets.  It is also finally available here on this site!  Just click on the music icon up top.  You will also find ALL previous releases available for download sale here too!  

It has been a long time coming, to finally have the time to devote to a little more active social content in the form of live performance videos mainly, but also have a store to sell my tunes!!  Both the previous years of releases, and the new music soon to come.  

I thank everyone who purchases my music from this site as the proceeds finally go to me, the artist, in a very old school, download purchase, commitment by you, way.   This purchase possibility for you, when the site and my social following is reestablished  ( I Hope ) to some degree, can truly make my music " career " dream a slightly more possible reality.  

To break it down, if I am lucky and talented enough to get 100,000 people to buy a single off this site, I can earn that $100,000 almost in full ( besides the credit card process fees ).  Where as, if 100,000 folks stream a single once, I am set to earn about $500.  

So while I obviously thank the streamers for their interest and listens, and ask them to continue to do so, I also ask and thank them for going old school commitment on a tune or two here on the site, thus really progressively helping me commit more time to just putting out more tunes, and getting off my painful paint ladders!